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Mammillaria leptacantha (A.B.Lau) Repp.
Gattung Mammill. nach dem Heutigen Stand Meines Wissens 1988 103 (1989)

Accepted Scientific Name: Mammillaria rekoi subs. leptacantha (A.B.Lau) D.R.Hunt
Mammillaria Postscripts 6: 8 (1997)

Mammillaria leptacantha (Mammillaria rekoi subs. leptacantha) Photo by: Alexander Arzberger
This is a nice species with long yellow or brown twisted spines, hooked at the tips.


See all synonyms of Mammillaria rekoi

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Mammillaria rekoi group

  • Mammillaria pullihamata Repp.: has central spines amber coloured, always hooked. Distribution: Portillo Nejapa, Oaxaca.
  • Mammillaria rekoi (Britton & Rose) Vaupel: Always solitary with 4 centranl spines, the lower one hooked ( or sometimes straight) and about 20 white radial spines. Distribution: whidespread in Oxaca.
  • Mammillaria rekoi subs. aureispina (A.B.Lau) D.R.Hunt: Solitary (occasionally with several stems) may reach 15 cm in height, and has 5-7 straight golden-brown central spines and 20-23 yellow radials; Distribution: north of Quiotepec and Yolox, Oaxaca.
  • Mammillaria rekoi subs. leptacantha (A.B.Lau) D.R.Hunt: Clumping withof as many as seven stems. It has 4-6 curved and hooked central spines and 27-30 radials; Distribution: It is found between Mitla and Najapa, Oaxaca.

12032 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Mammillaria leptacantha (Mammillaria rekoi subs. leptacantha) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
21998 julio Julio C. García
Mammillaria leptacantha (Mammillaria rekoi subs. leptacantha) Photo by: Julio C. García

27664 alexander Alexander Arzberger
Mammillaria leptacantha (Mammillaria rekoi subs. leptacantha) Photo by: Alexander Arzberger
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