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Opuntia megasperma var. mesophytica Lundh
Madroño 20: 254. 1970


See all synonyms of Opuntia megasperma

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Opuntia megasperma group

  • Opuntia megasperma J.T.Howell: Big plant with flowers more than 11 cm in diameter and seeds 8-13 mm long. Distribution: at sea level on Champion Islet and Santa Maria (Charles or Floreana) Islands.
  • Opuntia megasperma var. mesophytica Lundh: has a open crown, flowers 6 cm in diameter, and seeds 7-10 mm long. Distribution: San Cristobal (Chatham)
  • Opuntia megasperma var. orientalis (J.T.Howell) D.M.Porter: has a very dense crown, flowers 7-8.5 cm in diameter, and seeds 5-10 mm long. Distribution: at sea level on Espanola (Hood), Gardner, and San Cristobal Islands.

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