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Melocactus pachyacanthus subs. viridis N.P.Taylor
Bradleya 9: 40, plate 16. 1991

Accepted Scientific Name: Melocactus pachyacanthus Buining & Bredero
Kakteen Sukk. 27(1): 1 (1976 publ. 1975)


See all synonyms of Melocactus pachyacanthus

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Melocactus pachyacanthus group

  • Melocactus pachyacanthus Buining & Bredero: (subsp. pachyacanthus) has globose to elongate stems that are often strongly glaucous, especially when
    young. Distribution: northern Bahia at elevations below 700 m asl.
  • Melocactus pachyacanthus subs. viridis N.P.Taylor: has depressed globose stems that are almost always not glaucous. Distribution: northern central Bahia above 700 m asl.

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