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Acantholobivia tegeleriana Backeb.
Jahrb. Deutsch. Kakteen-Ges. 1941, pt. 2: 32. 1942

Accepted Scientific Name: Echinopsis tegeleriana (Backeb.) D.R.Hunt
Bradleya 5: 92. 1987


See all synonyms of Echinopsis tegeleriana
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Echinopsis tegeleriana (Backeb.) D.R.Hunt
Bradleya 5: 92. 1987
Synonymy: 31

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Echinopsis tegeleriana group

  • Echinopsis tegeleriana (Backeb.) D.R.Hunt: It grows usually solitarily but sometimes forms small clumps. It has large taproots. The blooms range from red to orange to yellow and have pink-orange throats.
  • Echinopsis tegeleriana var. akersii (Backeb.) nov. comb. ined.: Stems are spherical-depressed dark green often tinged purple with a strong tap-root. It has characteristic long, tube-like orange flowers.

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