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Agave cerulata subs. nelsonii (Trel.) Gentry
Occas. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci. 130: 44. 1978 Notes; A. nelsonii

Agave cerulata subs. nelsonii Photo by: Matteo Faggion
The young leaves of Agave nelsonii retain the imprint of their nascent thorns.


See all synonyms of Agave cerulata

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Agave cerulata group

  • Agave cerulata ssp. cerulataAgave cerulata Trel.: (subsp. cerulata) Leaves yellowish 25-40 cm long and 4-8 cm wide. 6-12 times as long as broad. Distribution: Central Lower California
  • Agave cerulata subs. dentiens (Trel.) Gentry: has long-acuminate, grayish leaves and broad panicles Distribution: Isla San Esteban (and perhaps also Isla Angel de la Guarda and the adjacent peninsula)
  • Agave cerulata subs. nelsonii (Trel.) Gentry: has somewhat undulate to nearly entire leaves that are 25-40 cm long, 3-6 times as long as broad, and broadest near or below the middle. Distribution: North-western end of the range.
  • Agave cerulata subs. subcerulata Gentry: has crenate leaves that are 15-30 cm long, 3-6 times as long as broad, and generally broadest above the middle. Distribution south-eastern part of the of the range.

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