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Pachypodium ambongense Poiss.
Bull. Trimestriel Acad. Malgache n.s., 6: 162 (1922-1923 publ. 1924)

Pachypodium ambongense Photo by: © Plantemania
"The lost pachypodium" is an apt description for this rarest of the rare species. Sketchy accounts published in the 1920's were all anyone had of this beautiful species until its rediscovery in 1990. Plants were introduced into cultivation and now many years later, propagations are slowly making their way to collectors. Even though it's free flowering, Pachypodium ambongense is the most difficult species to make seed of. It will always be rare.


Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Elephant's trunk
CHINESE (中文): 安博棒錘樹
UKRAINIAN (Українська): Паxіподіум амбонгензе, Паxіподіум амбонгензький

28529 plantemania © Plantemania
Pachypodium ambongense Photo by: © Plantemania
24989 josef Josef Cycad Perner
Flowering habit at Cycad International, Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

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2+ meter tall specimens at Cycad International, Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
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2+ meter tall at Cycad International, Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

19897 josef Josef Cycad Perner
Spines are paired, straight, 5-10 mm long, occasionally with a shorter ascending central. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
30585 plantemania © Plantemania
Pachypodium ambongense Photo by: © Plantemania

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Pachypodium ambongense Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
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Branches at Cycad International, Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

Your Photos
Pachypodium ambongense and Encephalartos cerinus at Jurassic Cycad Gardens in Katherine in the Northern Territory of Australia.
by Josef Cycad Perner
Blooming habit at Cycad International, Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia.
by Josef Cycad Perner

by Josef Cycad Perner

by Josef Cycad Perner

by Josef Cycad Perner
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