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Cactaceae [Itô] 421, without type. 1981 Locality not stated.
= Eriosyce subgibbosa f. rapifera (F.Ritter & Y.Itô)
Accepted Scientific Name: Eriosyce subgibbosa subs. clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
Eriosyce (Cactac.) gen. revis. & ampl. (Succ. Pl. Res., 1) 119 (1994)
Origin and Habitat: La Serena and adjacent areas (Peunte Pelicana, Rio Elqui, etc.) Coquimbo, Chile
Altitude: 300-500 metres above sea level.
Habitat: It grows in a very dry area on rocky outcrop on coastal terraces, cliffs and slopes.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. rapifera (F.Ritter & Y.Itô)
- Neoporteria rapifera F.Ritter & Y.Itô
Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
Eriosyce (Cactac.) gen. revis. & ampl. (Succ. Pl. Res., 1) 119 (1994)
Synonymy: 69
- Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
- Chilenia subgibbosa (Haw.) Backeb.
- Euporteria subgibbosa (Haw.) Kreuz. & Buining
- Neoporteria subgibbosa (Haw.) Britton & Rose
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. acutissima (Otto & A.Dietr.)
- Chilenia acutissima (Otto & A.Dietr.) Backeb.
- Echinocactus acutissimus Otto & A.Dietr.
- Euporteria acutissima (Otto & A.Dietr.) Kreuz. & Buining
- Neoporteria acutissima (Otto & A.Dietr.) Borg
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. castanea (F.Ritter) Katt.
- Eriosyce castanea F.Ritter
- Neoporteria castanea F.Ritter
- Neoporteria subgibbosa var. castanea (F.Ritter) Ferryman
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. castaneoides (Cels ex Salm-Dyck)
- Chilenia castaneoides (Cels ex Salm-Dyck) Backeb.
- Echinocactus castaneoides Cels ex Salm-Dyck
- Euporteria castaneoides (Cels ex Salm-Dyck) Kreuz. & Buining
- Neoporteria castaneoides (Cels ex Salm-Dyck) Werderm.
- Neoporteria subgibbosa f. castaneoides (Cels ex Salm-Dyck) Donald & G.D.Rowley
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. chionacantha (Y.Itô)
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. exsculpta (Otto ex Pfeiff.)
- Echinocactus exsculptus Otto ex Pfeiff.
- Neoporteria exsculpta (Otto ex Pfeiff.) Borg
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. graciana (F.Ritter)
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. heteracantha (Kreuz. & Buining)
- Chilenia heteracantha Backeb.
- Euporteria heteracantha Kreuz. & Buining
- Neoporteria heteracantha Backeb.
- Neoporteria subgibbosa f. heteracantha (Backeb.) Donald & G.D.Rowley
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. litoralis (F.Ritter) Katt.
- Neoporteria litoralis F.Ritter
- Neoporteria litoralis var. intermedia
- Neoporteria litoralis var. robustispina Y.Itô
- Neoporteria subgibbosa var. intermedia (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm.
- Neoporteria subgibbosa var. litoralis (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm.
- Neoporteria subgibbosa f. litoralis (F.Ritter) Donald & G.D.Rowley
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. major (Backeb.)
- Chilenia nigrihorrida var. major Backeb.
- Neoporteria nigrihorrida var. major Backeb.
- Neoporteria subgibbosa f. major (Backeb.) Donald & G.D.Rowley
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. microsperma (F.Ritter)
- Neoporteria microsperma F.Ritter
- Neoporteria subgibbosa f. microsperma (F.Ritter) Donald & G.D.Rowley
- Neoporteria wagenknechtii var. microsperma (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. minor (Backeb.)
- Chilenia nigrihorrida var. minor Backeb.
- Neoporteria nigrihorrida var. minor Backeb.
- Neoporteria subgibbosa f. minor (Backeb.) Donald & G.D.Rowley
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. orientalis (F.Ritter)
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. rostrata (Jacobi)
- Chilenia rostrata (Jacobi) Backeb.
- Echinocactus rostratus Jacobi
- Hildmannia rostrata (Jacobi) Kreuz. & Buining
- Neochilenia rostrata (Jacobi) Backeb.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. serenana (F.Ritter)
- Neoporteria microsperma var. serenana F.Ritter & Y.Itô
- Neoporteria subgibbosa f. serenana (F.Ritter) Donald & G.D.Rowley
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. subcylindrica (Backeb.)
- Chilenia subcylindrica Backeb.
- Euporteria subcylindrica Kreuz. & Buining
- Neoporteria subcylindrica (Backeb.) Backeb.
- Neoporteria subgibbosa f. subcylindrica (Backeb.) Donald & G.D.Rowley
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. tunensis (F.Ritter)
- Neoporteria castanea var. tunensis F.Ritter
- Neoporteria subgibbosa f. tunensis (F.Ritter) Donald & G.D.Rowley
- Neoporteria cachitaensis n.n., catalog name
Eriosyce subgibbosa subs. clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
Eriosyce (Cactac.) gen. revis. & ampl. (Succ. Pl. Res., 1) 119 (1994)
Synonymy: 40
- Eriosyce subgibbosa subs. clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
- Arequipa clavata (Söhrens) Borg
- Echinocactus clavatus Söhrens
- Eriosyce clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Helmut Walter
- Euporteria clavata (Söhrens) Kreuz. & Buining
- Neoporteria clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Werderm.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. nigrihorrida (Backeb. ex A.W.Hill) Katt.
- Chilenia nigrihorrida Backeb. ex A.W.Hill
- Chilenia nigrihorrida Backeb.
- Echinocactus nigrihorridus
- Eriosyce clavata subs. nigrihorrida (Backeb. ex A.W.Hill) Helmut Walter
- Eriosyce subgibbosa subs. nigrihorrida (Backeb. ex A.W.Hill) Katt.
- Euporteria nigrihorrida (Backeb. ex A.W.Hill) Kreuz. & Buining
- Neoporteria clavata var. nigrihorrida (Backeb.) A.E.Hoffm.
- Neoporteria nigrihorrida (Backeb. ex A.W.Hill) Backeb.
- Neoporteria nigrispina n.n.
- Neoporteria subgibbosa var. nigrihorrida (Backeb.) Donald & G.D.Rowley
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. rapifera (F.Ritter & Y.Itô)
- Neoporteria rapifera F.Ritter & Y.Itô
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. vallenarensis (F.Ritter) Katt.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa subs. vallenarensis (F.Ritter) Katt.
- Horridocactus vallenarensis (F.Ritter) Backeb.
- Neoporteria curvispina var. vallenarensis (F.Ritter) Donald & G.D.Rowley
- Neoporteria subgibbosa var. vallenarensis (F.Ritter) Katt.
- Neoporteria vallenarensis F.Ritter
- Neoporteria wagenknechtii var. vallenarensis (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm.
- Pyrrhocactus vallenarensis F.Ritter
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. wagenknechtii (F.Ritter) Katt.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa subs. wagenknechtii (F.Ritter) Katt.
- Neochilenia wagenknechtii (F.Ritter) Backeb.
- Neoporteria jussieui var. wagenknechtii (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm.
- Neoporteria wagenknechtii F.Ritter
- Pyrrhocactus wagenknechtii F.Ritter
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. wagenknechtii f. napina (F.Ritter)
- Neoporteria clavata f. grandiflora F.Ritter
- Neoporteria clavata f. parviflora F.Ritter
- Eriosyce clavata var. parviflora (F.Ritter)
- Eriosyce nigrihorrida var. parviflora (F.Ritter) hort.
- Neoporteria clavata f. procera F.Ritter
Description: Eriosyce subgibbosaSN|2676]]SN|2931]] f. rapifera|SN|13748]], much better known under its old name, Neoporteria rapiferaSN|3255]]SN|3255]] is one of the morphological or local form of the very variable Eriosyce subgibbosaSN|2676]]SN|2931]]. It distinguishes mostly in having dark purple body with black spines emphasizing the white woolly crown from which numerous magenta blooms come forth. It is very similar to Eriosyce subgibbosa var. wagenknechtiiSN|2931]]SN|2676]] f. napina (F.Ritter) and not readily distinguishable from it, if not for the label. The” rapifera” has a swollen carrot like root often much larger than the stem, while standard Eriosyce subgibbosa var. wagenknechtiiSN|2931]]SN|2676]] tends to have more branched roots, however most authors consider both them the same species as this differences are often determinate by growing conditions, and the number of root-branches varies greatly from plant to plant even within the same population.
Habit: Solitary, but sometimes branched, columnar perennial cactus erect or somewhat procumbent when long.
Roots: Swollen often much larger than the stem.
Stem: Globular to columnar, up to 30 cm tall (or more), up to 11 cm wide. Grey-green.
Ribs: 11-17 very obtuse, more or less notched with chinlike protrusions.
Areoles: Large, 6-13 mm long and 7 mm broad, woolly, 3-10 mm apart.
Spines: Partially hiding the ribs, needle like, more or less long and dense, white, yellowish, golden yellow, brown, or nearly black, while older one became greyish.
Radial spines: 10-20, 1,5-2,5 cm long, stright, spreading, dark grey to tan.
Central spines: 3 to 6, stronger, up to 4 cm long, straight or recurved and spreading, almost black, becoming grey with age.
Flower: Pretty small up to about 2,5 cm long, bi-coloured with magenta, rose to the violet petal tips and pinkish-white, white or yellowish-white throat.
Blooming season: Blooms late summer.
Fruits: Barrel shaped, 1,5-2 cm long, 1 cm in diameter, red or reddish-green partly hollow at maturity, only scarcely woolly, apical areoles not spinescent.
Seeds: Brown.
Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Eriosyce subgibbosa group
- Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.: This is the form with more elongated stems, with 8 to 30 thin, acicular, radial spines per areole, spines often yellowish.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. castanea (F.Ritter) Katt.: It has thin short and acicular radial spines and globose stems that will sometimes offset. The flowers can get up to 6 cm long (the larger among the "subgibbosa" forms).
- Eriosyce subgibbosa subs. clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.: It has from 11 to 13 thick radial spines per areole and slender stems.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. litoralis (F.Ritter) Katt.: It is very spiny and has from 30 to 40 hairlike radial spines per areole it grows in the rocks.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. nigrihorrida (Backeb. ex A.W.Hill) Katt.: has globose blackish-green body and stout straight spines which are pitch-black in the crown. The flowers are bi-coloured with carmine petal tips and yellowish-white throat. Distribution: South Coquimbo.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa f. rapifera (F.Ritter & Y.Itô): has a purple body with black spines and a swollen carrot like root. Distribution: la Serena and adjacent areas.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. vallenarensis (F.Ritter) Katt.: It has from 9 to 24 thin & straight radial spine per areole and slender stems.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. wagenknechtii (F.Ritter) Katt.: has fewer ribs and smaller flowers less tha 3 cm long. It has dark-grey or blackish spines. Distribution: la Serena and adjacent areas.
- Eriosyce subgibbosa var. wagenknechtii f. napina (F.Ritter): has a swollen carrot like root often much larger than the standard stem. Distribution: la Serena and adjacent areas.
- Neoporteria cachitaensis n.n., catalog name: Distribution: Cachita (East of Taltal), region 02 Antofagasta, Chile.
- Neoporteria clavata f. grandiflora F.Ritter: has larger flowers. Distribution: Coastal Chile (East of La Serena to West of Vicuña)
- Neoporteria clavata f. parviflora F.Ritter: has smaller flowers. Coastal Chile (Approx from Valparaiso to Maule)
- Neoporteria clavata f. procera F.Ritter: Has stouter dark recurved spines. Distribution: Cerro Grande, altitude 300-500 m.
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1) Edward Anderson “The Cactus family” Timber Press, Incorporated, 2001
2) Nathaniel Lord Britton, Joseph Nelson Rose “Cactaceae: Descriptions and Illustrations of Plants of the Cactus Family” vol. 4 The Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington 1923
3) James Cullen, Sabina G. Knees, H. Suzanne Cubey "The European Garden Flora Flowering Plants: A Manual for the Identification of Plants Cultivated in Europe, Both Out-of-Doors and Under Glass" Cambridge University Press, 11/Aug/2011
4) David R Hunt; Nigel P Taylor; Graham Charles; International Cactaceae Systematics Group. "The New Cactus Lexicon" dh books, 2006
5) "Succulent Plant Research" Volume 1, David Hunt, Richmond page 107, 1994
6) Fred Kattermann “Eriosyce (Cactaceae): The Genus Revised and Amplified” David Hunt, 1994
7) E Haustein “Der Kosmos Kakteenfuehrer (the Kosmos Cactus Guide)” Balogh Scientific Books 01 December 1998
8) Hans Hecht “BLV-Handbuch der Kakteen” BLV-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1982
9) Terry Hewitt “Cacti” Lorenz Books, 01/Apr/1998
10) Backeberg C. "Das Kakteenlexikon" P. 299, 1966
11) A E. Hoffmann, J. "Cactaceas en la Flora silvestre de Chile" 174, 1989
J. Jelinek, cacti, 1972
12) V. Köhler "Neoporteria rapifera" Ritter, KAKT. and und. Sukke., 29: 230, 1978 13) F. Ritter, "Kakteen in Südamerika" 3: 1034, 1980
13) Voldán M., "Cactus" 65, 1: 103, 1965
14) Biology Digest, Volume 18 Plexus Pub., 1992
Cultivation and Propagation: Eriosyce subgibbosaSN|2931]]SN|2931]] f. rapifera|SN|13748]] is a summer-growing species of relatively easy cultivation that continues to be, a particular prize among collectors. This plant is extremely xerophytic, adapted to very dry soils and is quite susceptible to over-watering if kept in a non ventilated place.
Growth rate: Slow-growing.
Soil: Grow it in an open mineral, sandy-gritty cactus compost and provide a very good drainage.
Exposure: It is suited for sunny-brightly exposure, but can tolerate light shade. However it will do its best only with lots of sun and become stressed with inadequate light which could result in poor growth and unnatural shape. It has a good heat tolerance.
Watering: Water sparingly and keep it completely dry during winter. Mature individuals easily rot and die especially after transplanting so be extremely cautious with watering. Keep dry in winter or when night temperatures remain below 10° C. Water it less than average if in bigger pots.
Fertilization: Feed them once during the growing season with a fertilizer specifically formulated for cactus and succulents (high potash fertilizer with a dilute low nitrogen), including all micro nutrients and trace elements diluted to ½ the strength recommended on the label. They thrive in poor soils and need a limited supplies of fertilizer to avoid the plants developing excess vegetation, which is easily attacked by fungal diseases.
Special need: It is suited for airy exposures. Provide very good ventilation. Nearly all problems occur as a result of overwatering and poor ventilation, especially when weather conditions are dull and cool or very humid. They must have very dry atmosphere.
Hardiness: It likes warmth (recommended minimum winter temperature 5° C) But plants kept perfectly dry can easily survive to winter night temperatures below 0° C.
Pests & diseases: These cacti may be attractive to a variety of insects, but plants in good condition should be nearly pest-free, particularly if they are grown in a mineral potting-mix, with good exposure and ventilation. Nonetheless, there are several pests to watch for:
- Red spiders: Red spiders may be effectively rubbed up by misting the plants from above.
- Mealy bugs: Mealy bugs occasionally develop aerial into the new leaves and flowers with disfiguring results, but the worst types develop underground on the roots and are invisible except by their effects.
- Scales, thrips and aphids: These insects are rarely a problem.
- Rot: Rot is only a minor problem if the plants are watered and “aired” correctly. If they are not, fungicides won't help all that much.
Propagation: Usually propagated from seeds (seldom produces offsets) or graft. The seeds can be sown in pots of fine, well-drained sandy soil, any time during the spring when temperatures are warm. Cover the seeds with a fine layer of grit and water from below with a fungicide to prevent damping off. For the 1-2 weeks cover the pots with a sheet of glass/clear perspex to keep the humidity levels high. Remove the glass and replace it with light shade-cloth and mist once or twice a day for the next two weeks after which most seeds should have germinated. From then on mistings can be reduced to every second and then every third day as the little plants grow. The seedlings should not be disturbed until they are well rooted after which they can be planted separately in small pots. Sometimes it is grafted to avoid root rot problems as plants grafted on an hardy stock are easy to grow and no special skill is required.
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