Accepted Scientific Name: Copiapoa coquimbana (Karw. ex Rümpler) Britton & Rose
Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 87, pl. 10. 1922 Britton & Rose Remarks: Ritter (Kakteen Sudamarika 3: 1074. 1980) also made this combination

Copiapoa pseudocoquimbana var. vulgata Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
Origin and Habitat: Coquimbo to Frai Jorge and adjacent areas. Chile
Habitat: It grows close to the ocean below 200 metres altitude.
See all synonyms of Copiapoa coquimbana
Accepted name in llifle Database:Copiapoa coquimbana (Karw. ex Rümpler) Britton & RoseCactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 87, pl. 10. 1922Synonymy: 32
Accepted name in llifle Database:Copiapoa coquimbana subs. andina I.Schaub & KeimCactus & Co. 13(1): 13 (5-15; figs.). 2009 [Mar 2009]
Description: Copiapoa pseudocoquimbana var. vulgataSN|9820]]SN|9820]] is one of the several forms of the very variable Coquimbana coquimbana which form a complex of related taxon. It is still unclear whether this variable complex is one or several species. There is so much variation that most authors choose to lump them together. Copiapoa pseudocoquimbana var. vulgataSN|9820]]SN|9820]] distingushes from the longer spines.
Habit: It is a strongly spined cactus that branches vigorously from the base, forming large clumps or cushions. In habitat, the bodies are much compact and very spiny. When grown in pots, this species tends to elongate and have darker spines on most of the body, with grey-white spines only appearing on the oldest areoles at the bottom of the plant.
Stem: Elongated-globose, pale to bright green or bluish green up to 40 cm tall, but usually less than 30 cm, and crowned by a dense mass of long white wool, particularly at flowering time.
Ribs: There are 10 to 20 strongly tuberculate especially in young specimens
Tubercles: With a rounded, raised edge and a wide base.
Areoles: Apical, convex, covered with short wool when young, later glabrous.
Radial spines: LOng and stout, up to5 cm long, fairly slender or slightly curved, horizontal, pointing outwards, narrowed angle to the central spine, honey-amber, brownish-red or black, becoming grey with age.
Central spines: 1-4 thicker up to 6 cm long.
Roots: It has a shallow, diffuse root system or (less frequently) a short taproot.
Flowers: At the apex, diurnal closing at night, fragrant, protracting the period of opening many days, campanulate, from the centre of the white wool at the apex. The outer segments of the perianth are linear red-brown or greenish. The inner segments are wide and yellow with a subtle red mid-stripe or occasionally pinkish.
Seeds: Rounded-oblong 1,4-1,6 mm long, 1-1,2 broad and 0,8 mm thick, without papillae and surface sculpturing.
Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Copiapoa coquimbana group
Copiapoa coquimbana (Karw. ex Rümpler) Britton & Rose: It branch profusely, forming large clumps up 1 m wide and 60 cm high. The spines are strong honey-amber, brown or black, and grey with age. Distribution: South of the Copiapoa genus range (from Coquimbo to La Serena)
Copiapoa coquimbana var. alticostata (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm.: has very strong, dark brown to black spines. Distributiom: between Freirina and Huasco.
Copiapoa coquimbana subs. andina I.Schaub & Keim: has outstanding golden-yellow spines. This golden appearance is not typical of any other Copiapoa. Distribution: North east of Vallenar.
- Copiapoa coquimbana var. armata F.Ritter
Copiapoa coquimbana var. imbricata Kníže: has strong, chocolate-brown to almost black young spines. El Molle and adjacent areas, Rio Elavi.
Copiapoa coquimbana var. pendulina (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm.: It is similar to C. pseudocoquimbana but with slightly stronger spines. Distribution: Coquimbo to Valparaiso.
Copiapoa coquimbana var. pseudocoquimbana (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm.: has longer and thinner spines, moreover radial spines are straight and not to curved toward the plant's body. Distribution: from the mouth of the Rio Choros to La Serena
Copiapoa coquimbana vallenarensis (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm.: has few but steonger radial spines. Diatribution: Huasco and Vallenar Valley.
- Copiapoa coquimbana var. wagenknechtii F.Ritter
Copiapoa militaris Kníže: has stronger spines than the type. Distribution: Chanaralillo.
Copiapoa pseudocoquimbana var. domeykoensis F.Ritter: is a giant form of C. coquimbana that is found on the far North part of the habitat of this species. Distribution: South-west of Domeyko.
Copiapoa pseudocoquimbana f. variegata hort.: Variegated form. Garden origin (Nursery produced cultivar)
Copiapoa pseudocoquimbana var. vulgata F.Ritter: has very long mostly stighter spines. Distribution: Coquimbo to Frai Jorge.
Copiapoa schulziana I.Schaub & Keim: mainly one-headed, non caespitose plants with much bigger head size, occasionally reaching heights of 50 cm as unbranched plants and up to 23 mm in diameter. Distribution: West of Domeyko, III region, Chile.